
Monday, October 7, 2013


After reading so very many posts from an unknown number of people, I have finally decided to write my own blog! Although I figure I should warn you, I may become extremely critical of some authors & their work! I have my favorites, as everyone, and then, I have my not so favorites! I am not necessarily trying to be rude just expressing my opinions!!! Since this is my blog, I feel I have that right! If for some reason, you are reading any of these posts and you get irritated by my comments or just flat out don't like what I am saying, please, feel free to leave my page! I would rather not listen or shall I say read others complaining about the nature of my posts! THESE ARE MY POSTS!! MY THOUGHTS!!! Hence this being MY BLOG!!! Although, if you like what I am saying and agree or would like to ask a question or cheer me on in my rant, I encourage you to do so! 

Anyway... Now that I have said that... Throughout the next several weeks, I hope to have a post about several different authors. Several different styles of writing... the things I love about authors, some things that totally get under my skin and whatever else comes to mind while I am writing... I guess we will see what happens! :-) 

Ok so here is a little bit about me... I am married and have 4 children... YIKES! You can probably guess why I am addicted to reading... RIGHT?!?!? Well, anyway... I picked up my first book several years ago as an adult and thought, hmm, this seems like a great way to spend down time in an airport.. I had tried so very hard as a teenager to get into reading and it just never happened. Every single time I picked up a book, I would fall asleep on the page & as you can guess, it totally sucked when I woke up and found ink on my face from drooling on the page! I never finished any book that I had started before the age of 25! I know, crazy right... To now end up being a person who has my tablet stuck in my hands for hours upon hours a day! I have a VERY large collection of e-books, when I say large, I mean I own more books than some small town libraries! ha ha! Either way... the very first book that I had the ability to read from front to back, was A is for Alibi - by Sue Grafton.. This was the airport recommendation from my father in law, who told me, if you get this book and decide you don't like it, I will buy it from you... Although if you do like it, you are free to borrow any of the others by the same author that him and my mother in law had.. I thought to myself, well, I don't think I can go wrong here! It wont be a waste of money if I hate it and if I love it, i can get more from them! Win Win!!! Needless to say, I LOVED IT! I finished the book in just over a day! I was so excited, I went to this little shop by my house and bought 3 more... figuring, if I read one per day, it would get me through until Friday! Sure enough, I have been buying at least 3-5 books per week every since! Anyway, that is the story of how I got started.. Do you remember the first book you read front to back? (I'm not talking about the kid stories either) How it made you feel? What you thought when you were finished? What about now, is there a specific type of book that leaves you wishing the author released a book every other week? At this point, I feel that way about several authors and several styles of writing. There is only a few types of stories that really does nothing for me... & when I say nothing, I mean I cant no matter how hard I try get into the books... Such as.. Historic Romance, Western type books (Love ya John Wayne, just cant read about you) and the only other type that I just have not found interest in (at least at this point) are like Homosexual Romance Type..I am sure there is a real name for that type of book, I just don't know what it is. For the record, I have no problem with the lifestyle, but the reading does nothing for my imagination.. if that makes since!Anyway... I am sure there are other types of books that I am not fond of, but I will have to get back with you on what they are! :-)

Hmm, I had more to say than I thought I would on day 1! Here is to hoping I don't ramble to much!

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